I recently dropped by the Newlands Nudefoods package free store in Cape Town and found a few cool things that I haven’t seen before as well as stocking up on a few staples, all plastic packaging free of course.
I refilled my Vinegar and Bicarb soda, both which I use for cleaning as well as laundry. The bicarb soda has so many uses such as under arm deodorant, cleaning products and even a face wash!

A few interesting things I found were:
- Package free corn chips
- Bamboo plasters
- Bamboo cotton buds
- Compostable bin bags

I have stopped buying packaged chips (think Lays, Simba and those lovely Nik Naks :p ) due to the amount of waste that comes from their packets.
I won’t lie I do feel for them at times, so you can imagine my excitement when I found some package free corn chips at Nudefoods!