Tag: bicarb soda

bicarb soda

The Great Many Uses Of 1 Simple Ingredient, Bicarb Soda

Bicarbonate soda is such a versatile and useful compound. It can help to simplify our lives by replacing the many commercial products we use for various things. Some of the things I personally use bicarb soda for are: As a face wash.As a body wash.As an under arm deodorant (it can be used on its own or in addition to a cream base like coconut oil or shea butter).As a household cleaning agent in...
shampoo bar

0 Waste This For That, A Few Cosmetic Products I Swapped Out For More Waste Free Alternatives

A lot of people want to switch out their cosmetic products or products in general, but don't really know what to switch them out for, or are too hesitant to make the switch due to thinking that these commercial products that they use are far superior to any other products, and more so compared to more natural products. The main reason for this hesitancy, is because the manufacturers and brands of...
diy shea butter body lotion

DIY Zero Waste Body Butter, Face Creams, And Under Arm Deodorant Recipes

Often people get intimidated by people who speak about reducing their waste and living a more 'minimalist lifestyle'. What you must understand though, is that all it takes is a very small change to start, you don't have to be implementing and worrying about reducing every tiny bit of waste in your life, initially. It all comes with practice and time and through that we can all do our bit. The...
shampoo and soap bar

All Natural Shampoo Bars/Soap Bars Made By Puresimple Right Here In Cape Town

In a previous post, I posted a short video of some of the cosmetic things (like face cream and under arm deodorant) that I make myself. Something else that I always wanted to make myself, was soap, and shampoo, but making soap with a texture similar to conventional soap is not so simple. Luckily I stumbled upon Puresimple's website and immediately sent them an email to inquire and learn more....
mouthwash zero waste minimalism

Simply DIY, Make Your Own 0 Waste Minimalist Face Wash, Scrub And Mouth Wash!

Let's get straight to it, these are very simple to make and they are so effective. They reduce a whole lot of plastic waste and decrease your dependence on commercial cosmetic brands, so be sure to give them a try! Just One simple Ingredient Zero Waste Facewash? If you have tried every face wash out there, being sold on all the marketing give this a try! So simple and so easy to use, and it...