Tag: diy

The Ultimate Zero Waste Cleaning Solution To Replace Commercial Toxic Cleaners

The Ultimate DIY, Non Toxic Cleaning Solution

If you just want the recipe, scroll down to the Recipe heading :) When it comes to cleaning, it can feel like it would take a whole lot of time and effort to create your own diy cleaning solution or product. After all it must require some harsh ingredients that can kill germs and target all that grease and those stains that most commercial cleaners must use, right? Well no, to make your own...
diy shea butter body lotion

DIY Zero Waste Body Butter, Face Creams, And Under Arm Deodorant Recipes

Often people get intimidated by people who speak about reducing their waste and living a more 'minimalist lifestyle'. What you must understand though, is that all it takes is a very small change to start, you don't have to be implementing and worrying about reducing every tiny bit of waste in your life, initially. It all comes with practice and time and through that we can all do our bit. The...
mouthwash zero waste minimalism

Simply DIY, Make Your Own 0 Waste Minimalist Face Wash, Scrub And Mouth Wash!

Let's get straight to it, these are very simple to make and they are so effective. They reduce a whole lot of plastic waste and decrease your dependence on commercial cosmetic brands, so be sure to give them a try! Just One simple Ingredient Zero Waste Facewash? If you have tried every face wash out there, being sold on all the marketing give this a try! So simple and so easy to use, and it...